Regarding VB GAIA International OST's Lyrics Card
It has been brought to our attention that the lyrics card included with the physical version of the Original Soundtrack of VenusBlood GAIA International had the wrong lyrics printed on it. Please read the informational update on our main site or Kickstarter site for more information. The fixed lyrics will be released in a digital form.
VenusBlood RAGNAROK International Kickstarter Project is LIVE!
We hope that we can count on your support once again!

VenusBlood Gaia International English and Chinese versions are now on sale on DLsite and FANZA!
FANZA GAMES ( English Ver ) FANZA GAMES ( Chinese Ver ) DLsite ( English Ver ) DLsite ( Chinese Ver )
The Pre-Order Store is now closed. Thank you all for your support!

The STEAM Version of VBGI is now available!

VenusBlood GAIA International is now available on the JAST Store! The Steam Version has unfortunately been delayed slightly, so please be patient while we work on getting it onto the Steam Store!

Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era is now available for pre-order on JAST Store and can be wishlisted on STEAM!
Archeus. An unchanging continent blessed by man-made Gods. But its long-standing peace is threatened by the Dust of death. The Dust turns all to ash, corrupting even the alchemists' Gods. Alchemists! Fight against this perilous fate!
Happy New Year.
Kickstarter planned for August 2022! We hope that we can count on your support!

English and Chinese versions of VenusBlood FRONTIER International have been released on DLsite.

The VBF FD Pre-Order Store and Add-On Acceptance Period has ended. Thank you all for your support!

VenusBlood HOLLOW International has been released on STEAM! To celebrate the release, the game will be 10% off on launch week on STEAM! We would like to once again extend our thanks to each and every one of our lovely fans for supporting the VBHI project!

VBF FD Pre-Order store is now open! It will be open for one month, so be sure not to miss your chance to purchase exclusive goodies!

VenusBlood HOLLOW International Official Release!
Thank you all for your support!
*Bugfix patch 1.04 is now available, please make sure to patch your game for the best possible experience!

VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs Kickstarter will begin mid to late November 2021!
We hope to see you all there!
Want more need less (EN) : VenusBlood HOLLOW International Image Song
VenusBlood FRONTIER International