The Five Goddesses

Brilliant War Goddess:Brunhilde

"I will show no mercy to one who would incite a rebellion in the Empire, even if you are my brother!"


Goddess of War, protector of the once throne of the Chief God Odin—Valhalla. Blessed with the blood of the founder Loki and that of one of his queen goddesses, she is considered an absolute force of nature by the anti-Asgardian demon forces now that her own power and spirituality have been unlocked by a certain senator. Brunhilde is Vali's half-sister, born into the Asgardian imperial family from a different mother. Unlike Vali and his strong demonic blood, she inherited genes from a progenitor goddess, granting her a great wealth of divinity. A gentle soul, her most fervent wish is peace for the commoners of the Asgard Empire. A wish she is willing to grant at the point of her divine spear. She has many admirers among the other knights as she was raised as a prim and proper young lady.


"Heavenly Spear Nibelung" A weapon passed down through the generations of her family, what was once a sword has been reforged into a spear. Able to summon the soul and memories of warriors long past as heroic Einherjar spirits to aid her in battle, this spear could be said to be an army in and of itself.

Sample Voices

VA: Himari
Oath of Battle : Brunhilde

"Truly a merciless onslaught. Exactly what I would expect from my beloved brother! You truly thrill me to my core...!"


The Goddess Brunhilde after she has been subjected to intense training and fallen into depravity as a servant deity. The familial affection that she harbored for her beloved brother when she was younger has now been twisted into something more carnal and sexual in nature. She would do anything and give everything to make Vali happy. So, she continues to train, whether for battle or for their own skirmishes on the bed at night. She has completely awakened to her own sexuality and finds great pleasure in being treated as a woman. Her affinity as a servant deity is seemingly higher than the other goddesses, and as her relationship and bond with Vali grows deeper, as she falls ever deeper into corruption, the power within her grows stronger. She takes full advantage of this, and has gotten used to growing stronger the closer she gets to her beloved brother.

Sample Voices

VA: Himari
Einherjar Vessel of Death : Brunhilde

"Ahaha! Everything feels worthless now...! This... This is my true form!"


Brunhilde has now lost her sanity due to succumbing to the darkness and become a mad goddess. Her trait of being able to call upon the souls of deceased heroes as the Goddess of War has become twisted, turning her into a veritable reaper of death who calls upon the souls of the dead. Her deep-rooted love for her brother Vali has twisted further to the point where she no longer balks at massacring others for the sake of her warped desires.

Sample Voices

VA: Himari
Ferocious Thunder General:Fana

"I am Thunder General Fana! A goddess that hails from a family of warriors!"


The goddess who calls the nation to the south of Asgard home. Situated in the forest region of Helgrind, she spends her time fending off forbidden beasts of old and other such ferocious monsters. Having inherited the blood of both dragonkin and that of the goddesses, she is a natural born warrior. Born to House Hreiðmarr, the foremost warrior house of Asgard, she is a gifted fighter who bears the title of Thunder General. She is, however, plagued by a somewhat troubled relationship with the head of her house, her father, due to her disapproval of his marriage to her new stepmother, Sigyn. Despite appearing to be a tomboy who leads an elite squad of amazon warriors, she secretly collects frilly dresses and tries them on in private, acting in a way any young maiden her age would.


"Lightning Blade Balmung" The Thunderclap Greatsword. Wreathed in lightning, this weapon grants its user lightning speed and thunderous power.

Sample Voices

VA: Arigatou
Thunderstorm Princess:Fana

"Ahh... Should I fail, I'll be punished! Hehe. That means it doesn't matter how this goes because I'll be happy either way...!"


Thunder General Fana, having succumbed to her repeated pleasure training sessions, has become a servant deity. Throughout the training process, she was taught to fully embrace her ladylike hobby, and this change is reflected in the way she chooses to dress herself now. She loves Vali wholeheartedly and pledges her eternal loyalty to him. Her love and respect for him has grown twisted, and if he so ordered it, she would use any means at her disposal to subjugate any and all who defy him and turn them into his slaves, mercilessly cutting down any other enemies. Despite seemingly retaining some form of dignity from her former life as Thunder General, she actually gets off on being punished and rebuked by Vali, and she has become a complete masochist who derives pleasure from being treated ground beneath his heel.

Sample Voices

VA: Arigatou
Mother's Blessing:Flora

"My beloved children, the future of the empire rests on your shoulders."


The goddess who protects the fertile lands of Gimlé with their golden grains—Flora. Bearing host to a multitude of battles between rival clans, the central plains was ruled by endless chaos and anarchy until Flora stepped in and took control in a single generation. She took the son of a powerful clan as her own adopted son and married him off in a political move to solidify her position as the undisputed top dog of the central plains. A heroine of the battlefield, her Divine Gear and its control over earthquakes quickly made her a symbol of fear and death to any who would oppose her. However, Flora herself is a caring, motherly goddess who is well loved by princes and the children of the clans alike.


 "Roaring Club Gullinbursti" Destroying the earth below in a single strike, this club will split the earth in two at the point of impact.

Sample Voices

VA: Ume Tsubaki
Motherly Goddess Consort:Flora

"All the women of the world should live to serve our master..."


The Motherly Goddess Flora, having succumbed to repeated intense training sessions, has now been turned into a servant deity. Thoroughly trained with a chastity belt, her inner lustful beast will be released at the sound of the lock being undone. She entered into a symbolic political marriage of sorts with Vali, but she is in reality a lustful slut of a goddess who will kowtow and lick Vali's feet on demand. Having accepted his capacity as Overlord, she became a manager for his harem of wives. Obviously using her position to have his seed implanted in her often, she derives great pleasure in watching girls she introduces into the harem absolutely melt in pleasure when serving Vali at night, and often holds these 'initiation' sessions for new additions to the harem.

Sample Voices

VA: Ume Tsubaki
Idol Goddess of Hope:Ullr

"How're my Ullrlings doing?! It's your beloved Idol of the continent, Ullr!"


Situated north of the empire, in the sub-zero lands of Jotunheimr, lives a young girl who has been garnering popularity at an insane rate as an idol goddess. She has been gaining notoriety as of late as a goddess for a new generation who gathers the faith and prayers of her followers via the medium of song and dance. Her songs entice and charm any listeners, granting them the power of miracles. In the past, Jotunheimr was a place not suitable for comfortable living, and as such was often used as a place of exile for criminals of the Asgard Empire. However, with the rediscovery and subsequent reactivation of lost golem technology in the region, their own national culture evolved in great strides, becoming a nation of crafts. Ullr wholeheartedly supports this revolution of technology and culture, and she is a Goddess of Hope in the truest sense of the word, as nobody loves the land of Jotunheimr more than the goddess who protects it with all her being.


"Crystal Rod Grimrune" A rod fashioned into a microphone. Grants a blessing of power to any of her followers who hear her singing voice. In battle, it serves to unleash the potential within the common soldier, turning a simple foot soldier into a hero who could single-handedly take on a legion.

Sample Voices

VA. Shibuya Hime
Goddess of the Midnight Dance:Ullr

"Hehe! Ullr will give all of herself to you, Vali!"


The Goddess of Hope, Ullr, has succumbed to the pleasure of repeated, intense anal training sessions. She has become very open with her sexuality, wearing skimpy and revealing clothing after gaining a taste for exhibitionism. Her dances have even grown more intensely sexual as well. Her original image of a pure and innocent idol has been completely warped into that of a truly slutty idol. This change did not, however, discourage her fans, and her shamanistic rituals of depravity have turned these fans into nigh cult members, charming more and more new worshippers. All these new followers, her voice filled with demonic charm... All of it is for her master, Vali.

Sample Voices

VA. Shibuya Hime
Chief God of a New Era:Nanna Odin II

"Bow Down Befowe Nanna's Mwight!"


A young goddess groomed by the Imperial Senate to push their agenda of Divine Supremacy. Intended to serve as the successor to the now deceased Odin, her predecessor's spiritual core was transplanted into her body. Despite her inexperience as a goddess, her divine potential is leagues beyond that of the other goddesses. Her Divine Gear is the Gungnir inherited from Odin, but she is only able to control two blades. The Senate is currently educating the genius young goddess, but she herself is at a phase in her life where she just wants to go out and play, frolic, and have fun. A pure and innocent maiden, perhaps befitting her still youthful frame of mind, the feelings she has of wanting to become a goddess who brings happiness and prosperity to her people are genuine.


"Deathly Spear Gungnir Mini" Blades of Judgement float beside the wielder in a fan formation. Unlike the ones used by the old Chief God, these blades are smaller and easier to wield. Still a Divine Gear on a league of its own despite this, with divinity and power eclipsing the Divine Gears of other goddesses.

Sample Voices

VA. Sakaki Haruno
Atrocious God of Debauchery:Nanna Odin II

"Nanna will do her best fow Veli!"


The New Chief God Nanna, having succumbed to corruption from Vali's repeated training sessions, has now become a servant deity. An acute pleasure addiction has been thrust into her youthful, petite body, and she has developed an obscene and impure personality. Despite acting vulnerable and being a bit of a crybaby around Vali—seeking his attention and wanting him to pamper her—she sometimes shows a somewhat more rebellious side, seizing control of some gangs in the slums of Valhalla. She derives great pleasure in engaging in her vices and immoral acts and is shaping up to be a bit of a delinquent goddess.

Sample Voices

VA. Sakaki Haruno

The Protagonist's Faction

Prodigious Child of Adversity:Vali Lefay

"I'll be the next Overlord, and I won't let anyone get in my way...!"


The protagonist of the game. A descendant of the founder of Asgard—Overlord Loki. Despite being born in one of the most prestigious houses of the empire, the strong demonic blood he inherited gave him demonic features, earning him the ire of his family who were all Divine-leaning in terms of inherited blood. As such, he was eventually disowned by his own family. When civil unrest broke out as the result of the Chief God Odin's death, he gathered an army of his own for the sake of Divine-Demon Unification. He was gifted the Key of Yggdrasil by a youth sharing the same name as the former Overlord, Loki, and as a result was given the power to carve open a path towards his own destiny. Beginning with his sister-in-law Brunhilde, he turns the goddesses into his servant deities and walks the path of becoming the Overlord of a New Generation.


 "Dark Sword Tyrfingr" A Divine-Demon Killing Sword. Despite the name, this sword does not attack the physical body of the victim, rather their spirituality, allowing the user to seal off large portions of their enemy's spiritual power.

Imperial Captain of the Blaze:Linde Hvedrung

"I am Vali's shield, and I shall support him to the very end!"


The younger sister of Vali's sworn ally, Sieg. She is in love with Vali, and basically kicked down his door in order to join his faction. She dreams of one day becoming his wife, and is often jealous of the goddesses who command most of Vali's attention. Having been born into a martial house, she has both the requisite knowledge and education to support the leader of an army, and she fulfills an indispensable role within Vali's constantly undermanned army as a logistics manager of sorts. She is proficient in defensive battles and serves as the leader of Vali's bodyguard squad.


"Dragon Shield Svar" A draconic shield crafted from an alloy made from the scales of an old dragon from the Demon Realm. It is not, strictly speaking, a Dark or Divine Gear, but is extremely sturdy and could likely weather a single blow from one.

Sample Voices

VA. Misato Ayame
Tactician of Azure Flame:Loki

"Now, choose... The key will illuminate the path to the future that you desire."


A mysterious youth who bestowed Vali with the Key of Yggdrasil and proceeds to become his strategist. A clearheaded tactician with an eye for battlefield strategy, his tactical prowess belies his youthful looks. He carries himself with arrogance and has a rather abrasive personality, causing Vali to refer to him as "that damned brat". He shares the same name as the Overlord Loki and shows some similarities to the legendary personage, but the reality of his being is unknown. He seemed to have a specific agenda in mind when he approached Vali, but what exactly is he after...?


"Evil-Calling Andvara" A halberd that draws upon one's own demonic energy to cover itself in azure flame. However, its true potential has not yet been unlocked...

Sample Voices

VA. Momozono Kaoru
Priestess of the Holy Tree:Norn

"The blessings of the Holy Tree belong to the Overlord and the citizenry. I am merely its guardian."


The Priestess who protects the Divine Shaft of Yggdrasil. She used to be a member of the Asgardian Senate, but she was confined within Valhalla Palace after openly opposing the head senator Bestla over the principle of Divine Supremacy. A beautiful and demure maiden, she has a will of steel as she readily declines all of Vali's advances.


"Divine Mirror Urðarbrunnr " Shows the truth of the person whose face is reflected within this holy mirror that is modeled after the spring that exists within the Divine Tree.

Sample Voices

VA. Kanan

Other Characters

Chief of Senate:Bestla

"Filthy demons! Submit to god's judgement...!"


The strongest advocate for Divine Supremacy within the Asgardian Senate who also happens to be the head senator. The Senate was originally established to support the Chief God Odin in political and divine matters, but the times changed with the loss of the Overlord Loki and the organization also underwent its own internal changes. In recent years, the Senate began preaching Divine Supremacy to the masses, and Bestla could be said to be the biggest proponent and main culprit behind the rising tensions and subsequent civil war between the gods and demons. She uses Nanna, a relatively young goddess, as a symbol of justice and the banner by which she preaches Divine Supremacy by implanting the spiritual core of the Chief God Odin inside of her. She is Nanna's teacher and surrogate mother of sorts, but seems to have her hands full with Nanna's free-spirited personality and desire to frolic and play. She does not get along very well with the Priestess of the Divine Shaft, Norn.


 "Staff of Divine Will Kvasir" A spiritual staff that is able to perform magic on the scale of an entire army of soldiers.

Sample Voices

VA. Tezuka Ryouko
Succubus Maiden:Sigyn

"I am deeply ashamed of my own inexperience. Would that I could be as proficient in aiding you as your late wife..."


The wife of the head of House Hreiðmarr, Otr, and stepmother to the Goddess Fana, Sigyn and her family are based in the Helgrind region. Following the death of Otr's former wife, she began to actively court the recently bereaved Otr and claimed a place as his new wife through honeyed words and feminine wiles, which subsequently caused a strain in her relationship with her new stepdaughter. On the surface, she plays the part of a good wife to Otr and a wise mother to Fana, but all of it is in service to isolating Fana and gaining control of Helgrind. She is also secretly the descendant of a legendary succubus, the blood of whom flows strongly within her veins.


"Demonic Bow Hati Moon / Arrow of Skoll Sol" A bow and arrows made of pure energy that have no physical form. Any victims pierced by the arrows fired from this bow have their aura stolen.

Sample Voices

VA. Misato Ayame

Under Construction

Seer of Spirits:Hermod El Baldr

"I'm not lying, you know. I can see the Baldr Empire prospering, for sure."


In the Central Plains of Gimlé where demons were often persecuted as serfs and discriminated against, this young seer seeks to found a new empire for demonkind known as the Empire of Baldr. She believes Vali to be the most promising 'founder' of this new empire and approached him, but he pays her no mind. Her powers as a seer, however, are the real deal, and in a direct confrontation, she would not lose to a high-ranking demon when armed with her Dark Gear—Treasure Ring Draupnir. She is very single-minded, working towards a singular goal with passion, not minding setbacks or problems, and her cheerful, driven personality has gained her many followers.


"Treasure Ring Draupnir" By resonating with higher existences like spirits or nature itself, the user can pull power from this Dark Gear, strengthening themselves. It is rumored that this Dark Gear is still incomplete.

Sample Voices

VA. Hoshizora Yume
Dragon Flame Warrior:Sieg Hvedrung

"Don't go dying on me, Vali. Dying here would be an insult to the potential man you could become."


A brave general from one of the oldest martial houses of the Demon Realm, House Hvedrung. He raised his army at the same time as Vali, and they consider each other sworn allies as well as friendly rivals. They have shared many a time drinking the night away, talking about the new nation they would create together. At first they opposed the goddesses together, but eventually turned their attention and efforts toward being the ones to take over as the Overlord of a new generation. House Hvedrung was said to be founded by a warrior who served as Overlord Loki's body double, and it is similar to the Divine House of Hreiðmarr with the blood of a demon dragon and high ranking demon ancestors.


"Chaos Devourer Varanart" By drawing on the life force of the user, it draws out their latent potential to the breaking point, then further amplifies it.

Sample Voices

VA. Sasazaki Kojirou
Sagacious Adjutant:Regin

"Everything for the sake of my liege..."


The calm, cool, and collected female swordsman who wields the Spirit Sword Gram. She saved Sieg when he was wounded in a pitched battle and was promoted to his adjutant after. She serves by his side, helping him bolster his forces. She is generally silent and calm, but feels somewhat threatened by how fast Vali's army is gaining momentum.


"Spirit Sword Gram" A sword with the unique ability to cut through space and matter, allowing the user to easily penetrate an enemy's defenses and go for the killing blow.

Sample Voices

VA. Tezuka Ryouko
Talon Storm Strategist:Berg Friege

"The times truly conspire to make men like you die young... But well, with age comes the wisdom to understand that the times are changing."


Berg comes from one of the oldest and most venerated houses ever since the early founding of Asgard, and he holds immense influence in the Niðavellir region. Realizing the rising influence of the Asgard Senate and its belief in Divine Supremacy, as well as the increase in persecution against demonkind early on, he brought together promising generals like Vali and Sieg, forming the Demon Liberation Army. However, his plan to raid Valhalla failed when faced with the overwhelming power of the goddesses with their unleashed spirituality. Having failed once, Berg decided to go into hiding, conserving his strength as he gauged the war situation, waiting for a prime opportunity. He is a wise general who is proficient in military strategy.


"Ship of Nails Naglfar" Huge claws that are attached onto both arms. Has the ability to become a giant airship.

Sample Voices

VA. Kyou Aoi
Woodland's Serpentress:Jorm

"Fwahhh... Ahh, I feel like I've been asleep for quite some time."


In the depths of the woodlands, this serpentress transformed into a giant snake and entered into a long period of hibernation. Having sensed war breaking out, she finally awoke from her slumber. If one were to be generous, you could refer to her personality as...broadminded. Put more aptly, she's a tad crass and abrasive, but we can all agree that she's a bit of an arrogant, foolish person. Even this war for Divine-Demon Unification is one she only participates in due to her own curiosity.


"Black Rainbow Bifrost" Any victims of these cursed claws will suffer all manner of pain and illness, amplified based on how many wounds they received from this weapon.

Sample Voices

VA. Saki Yutaka
Demon Princess of Moonlight:Vidar

"You want me to believe in your destiny? Then prove to me that you have the willpower to overcome any and every obstacle in your path."


The destined child born of the union between Overlord Loki and the original Chief God Odin. However, she was born with more demonic features than not, owing to her having inherited more demonic traits from her father than divine traits from her mother. As a result, her life was threatened by a senator who believes in Divine Superiority. Perhaps due to the experience of having her destiny dictated by the circumstances of her birth, she seems to have developed an apathetic, somewhat pessimistic personality. However, buried deep within her is a will of steel and a rebellious spirit, directed primarily at the parents who abandoned her. She once lived in the same mansion Vali did when he was being hidden from the world, and she is quite happy that he treated her normally despite knowing the circumstances of her birth.


"Chakra of Calamity Blikjandabol" Chakrams made from the Dark Gear that once belonged to the Imperial Princess Hel.

Sample Voices

VA. Aoba ringo

Under Construction

Unknown Factions

Reaper of the Tundra:Heimdall

"Don't get in my way... I just want to see him one more time."


A mysterious girl who leads an army of undead within the snowy tundra of Jotunheimr. Covered in black from top to bottom, from her clothes to the mask that covers her face, she has caused many nearby residents countless sleepless nights. She exhibits an impassive nature and an apparent lack of personality of any sort, like a mere doll, and she traverses the snowy region in search of something...


"Cursed Shield Gjallarhorn" A cursed shield that subjugates the souls of those who no longer have a place to which they belong, organizing them into a veritable army.

Sample Voices

VA. Imaya Minami
Goddess of Ragnarök:Brimir

"Even faced with all of this, you would strive to become Overlord... Then pray show me this pride that you speak of."


A god of old who slumbers within the icy lands of the northern continent. What is it she sees with her transcendental gaze...? Nobody could or would understand, and even now, there are none who know.


"True Ragnarök" A treasured weapon belonging to an old god that contains immense power. The true worth and power of this True Gear is shrouded in mystery.

Sample Voices

VA. Momozono Kaoru